Thursday, September 28, 2006

is it Thursday already? ...

I really must make more of an effort to get my act together.

The bag I completed yesterday has not been posted yet and I am still prevaricating over which ribbon to use on the brooch I am making. I had really hoped to post a picture of all the fabric laid out with pattern pieces pinned to it all ready for cutting out. Yes, I really did have the intention of starting my dress today. But a bad night's sleep, the third this week, has left my brain like jelly and unable to deal with, or tackle, anything too complicated. Even the very uncomplicated seems to be a problem. That's not to say I haven't had flashes of inspiration but these seem to have taken it out of me rather than getting me all fired up.

I needed to find a pair of 4.5mm knitting needles but I had been putting it off. Finding one seems to be no problem at all it's the second one that proves to be so elusive. So to my projects list I now need to add a knitting needle holder/roll thingy. I love the fabric craft apple used on hers.

Also on my list of things to do is to get a lot better at replying to the comments you have made. I am getting better at this but there is definitely room for improvement.

Well as Scarlet would say "tomorrow is another day". Let's see what it brings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blame it on the change of seasons, I've been feeling the same. I Lurve the thank you bag, very pretty.
: )

September 29, 2006 10:28 pm  

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